
I'm Anthony Munnelly, a data analyst of seven years standing. Before that, I worked in content writing and did some freelance journalism. You can see the full gory details on LinkedIn.

I've been able to cross over from a profession that's dying to a profession that's thriving because we now live in an age where knowledge has never been more accessible to so many people for so little cost. So much of the recorded knowledge of the world is available online. That's never happened before. No library in history was ever as big as the World Wide Web - not in the Vatican, not in the British Museum, not in Alexandria. It's astonishing.

Not only is the knowledge out there but a peculiarly altruistic movement seems to have developed whereby people are willing to share that knowledge for free, for the benefit of others. I would not have been able to learn what I have learned myself without them, and I mention the ones who have had the most influence on me in the Roll of Honour page. Everyone there does a better job of what I'm trying to do here, and I'm only kidding myself to think otherwise.

However. Even back at school I realised that there is more than one way to teach something. There was a big crossover between Maths and Physics back in the day, and each teacher had a different way of explaining the common ground - trigonometry, say. From that I realised that the more explanations a student has before her, the better the chance of one resonating with her and helping her make progress. And I feel like I owe it to those who went before me to try to pay it back a little and, as such, here I am. I hope this is some use to somebody, somewhere.