
Intro to Altair - Scatter Plots

An intro to the altair package, and a look at the most basic plot of all, the scatter plot.
Jan 2, 2023

Bar, Line and Area Plots with Altair and Python

Stretch your altair wings with bar, line, and area plots.
Jan 3, 2023

Pie Charts and Encodings in Python's Altair Package

Theorists hate them, the people can't get enough of them - it's time to look at pie charts in altair.
Jan 9, 2023

Histograms and Boxplots in Python's Altair Package

Histogrrams and Boxplots are the Mr and Mrs Spratt of data visualisation, and altair does an excellent job with both.
Jan 16, 2023

Styling Altair Plots

The basic altair plot is squished and unprepossessing. Here we’ll look at all the different ways of dressing it up a bit.
Jan 23, 2023

Subplots and Altair

Create subplots in altair using row and column parameters, and create a scatter matrix using the .repeat() method.
Jan 30, 2023

Labelling Line Charts in Python's Altair Package

Creating text labels on Altair charts is very straight-forward, except where it isn’t. Here's how to replace the legend with labels next to the data lines themselves.
Feb 6, 2023

Selections in Altair

The selection methods in altair allow data highlighting across different subplots, using legends to turn data on and off, and more.
Feb 13, 2023