Roll of Honour

Sal Khan

Sal Khan and Khan Academy help make the case that there is more to the world wide web than conspiracy theories and cat videos. What started as giving a family member a helping hand with homework has blossomed into one of the greatest learning resources for children and young people that has ever existed in the history of the world. Sal Khan is a very great man.

Charles Severance

Doctor Charles Severance started his studies in computer science in 1984, which gives him pioneer status. In his many years teaching he has never lost his enthusiasm for telling people about these great things, computers, and the great things that they can do. You listen to his videos and think: well, there isn’t that much to that. Only because it’s been explained so well, the mark of a true great.

Derek Banas

Derek Banas is another person who seems to have fallen into teaching by accident. A natural autodidact, he has posted hundreds of videos on programming issues and even some on chess and healthy cooking. Banas’s great gift is his enthusiasm, and his instance that there’s nothing to be frightened off in any of this stuff. Another marvellous resource.

Corey Schafer

Corey Schafer has made a series of git and Python videos that are the ne plus ultra of how these things should be done. Schafer’s gift is to take pains. He skips nothing; there is no detail too trivial for him to explain, he never assumes that the viewer knows something. He always take the trouble. A rare but vital gift.